Roof Restoration in Lexington, KY

Waterproofing coating for roof restoration.

Restore Your Roof Back Into Stable Conditions

SCC Commercial and Metal Roofing provides complete roof restoration in Lexington, KY. Restore your roof back into a strong and protective system that will protect it from outside influences year-round. A roof restoration is a great option to implement for wear and tear that isn’t as advanced to where a roof replacement is needed. It’s a great way to strengthen your roofing system and add more years of life to it overall. Call us at 606-748-9148 to get set up with a roof inspection and appointment.

Why Roofing Damages Happen

There are many ways that your roof may incur damages over the years. Depending on your roofing materials, the climate patterns that it’s exposed to, and other factors roof wear can develop faster on certain roofs than others. A roof restoration is a smart alternative to implement on flat roofing or metal roofing systems instead of full-on roof replacements. Oftentimes, a roof can be restored from poor conditions with the help of roof coatings and materials. These materials act as another layer of protection while also filling in any cracks or punctures as they are applied to the roofing system. Essentially, the underlying roofing materials will have new skin to protect them from outside influences like inclement weather or changing temperatures. Our team provides the solutions that you need to get your roof restored back into stable conditions. They extend the life of your roof for decades and can even be reapplied near the end of their expected roof life until a roof replacement is ultimately made. There are a number of roofing restoration materials available today that can match any roof substrate or underlying material. Speak to our knowledgeable roofers today to see what can be done to restore your roofing system.

Silicone Roofing

Silicone roof coatings create a highly flexible, monolithic, and impermeable membrane capable of withstanding wind-driven sand, oxidation, and extreme temperatures. They are also able to endure the natural expansion and contraction (thermal movement) that occurs in large roof structures. They can endure the damaging effects of ponding water without breaking down because they’re a moisture-cure substance, meaning they will not absorb any additional water after curing.

Acrylic Roofing

Acrylic elastomeric roof coatings refer to a liquid-applied monolithic (seamless), fully adhered, elastomeric membrane that’s formed in situ on the roof. These coatings are applied 5 to 10 times thicker than house paint. Typically, the thickness of exterior house paint is 3 mils. Acrylic roof coating is a popular choice when it comes to waterproofing and flat roof repair, because it waterproofs instantly and can be applied in damp weather, so you can fix the roof as soon as possible instead of waiting for a dry spell. They ultimately last 10-20 years and once they reach the end of their warranty, they can be recoated and a new warranty begins. The process can be repeated over and over again, making roof coating systems a renewable and sustainable roofing system.

What does roof restoration include?

It involves a thorough cleaning with a high-pressure spray to remove all grit, dirt, moss, mold, and algae. Repairs. Any damage will then be repaired, and depending on the type of roof, it can include fixing cracked or broken tiles, replacing metal sheets, sealing any leaks, and re-bedding and re-pointing, if needed.

How long does a roof restoration last?

The average full roof restoration has an expected lifespan of approximately 15 to 20 years. This time frame is when the job is performed with the right preparation by a qualified tradesperson, However, this is subject to sunlight (UV) conditions, coating color choice, and mold or mildew growth.

Are roof restorations worth it?

Roofs in poor condition can leak, attract unwelcome wildlife, develop harmful mold growth, and cause significant issues when it comes to insurance claims. If your roof is looking a little worse for wear and requires more than a few simple repairs, then it is worth considering a professional roof restoration.

We’re happy to set you up with roof restoration in Lexington, KY for the betterment of your property. Speak with us today to get started.

A roof with a roof restoration coating.

Contact Us For Assistance

Get professional roof restoration in Lexington, KY with the expert team at SCC Commercial and Metal Roofing. Our team is trained and certified to provide the best in roof restorations and have reliable solutions to repairing your commercial roof. Have your roof in better shape than it was in before by calling our team at 606-748-9148.